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Nā Hui O `Anela 
Lawelawe ʻAna

Life Path Consultation


Na Kahuna Kuleana



Awaiku Ho`opomaika`i

Angel Guided Blessings will personally address matters that need the tender embrace, focus, guidance, & blessings of an individual's angels. These sessions may also be combined with a brief Angel or Oracle Card Reading.

These angelic guided blessing sessions shall include:

  • a form of Beaming Reiki & RaKaMa Reiki

  • private life path consultation,

  • mediumship with channeling, i.e. automatic writing & texting

  • address regressions without hypnosis*

  • chakra blessings, clearing & aligning

  • astral travel & past life reviews*


Please review the terms for cancellation & privacy policy. No Refunds. No Exceptions.

This service is also available remotely or by webcam (on request). ✝


Ho`omaika`i i Ka Hale

Energy exists in all things, animate and inanimate. It can also be transferred intentionally or remain stagnant through time. When a foreign energy, negative or benign, attaches to a host, or object, it often requires assistance in clearing to restore balance.

Commonly known as a house healing or space clearing, these house blessings intend to protect the inhabitants from oppression and misfortune. Previous inhabitants can remain earthbound to familiar places. Clearing the energy can help create a fresh start of prosperity with fortune, health, happiness, peace and harmony.

​Please review the terms for cancellation & privacy policy. No Refunds. No Exceptions.

This service is also available remotely or by webcam (on request). ✝

Glass Buildings


Ho`olaʻa Ke`ena Hana

For a business to prosper, any establishment will benefit from a clearing and business blessing. When embarking on a new journey, in many cultures, blessings are traditionally performed prior to breaking ground, making offers, shaking on deals, and periodically the the course of .

Please review the terms for cancellation & privacy policy. No Refunds. No Exceptions.

This service is also available remotely or by webcam (on request). ✝


Ho`oponopono Ho`opomaika`i

The Kahuna believe in the practice of Ho`oponopono ~ to make things right or to correct.

If there is a seed of doubt that this blessing will not have an effect, the chance of success has lessened. If there is a seed of love, there shall be a tree of love to guide you along the journey of oneness which your heart, mind and soul seeks.

Our kuleana, or responsibility, is to plant and mentor each seed’s growth toward a positive journey of abundant health, happiness, love and prosperity. It’s your kuleana to provide the sun, water and love required for nourishment to sustain the growth of your tree’s seed. After some time, with or without the guidance of a kahuna, your tree will flourish into what you manifest.

From beginning to end, one of your biggest fans and supporters and will be your kahuna. You may include other supporters but know that each session is confidential and does not require reconciliation with others.

  1. SCHEDULE: Consultation ~ 10 minutes max.

  2. CONSULTATION: Obtain a primary focus, explain the process, answer questions, and schedule.

  3. FORMS & PAYMENT: ALL massage service forms with payment must be complete prior to scheduled session time only if combined with angel intuitive massage services. Otherwise, intake and consent forms are not required.

  4. COMPLETION: A follow up email, or text, will be sent with suggested instructions.


Session times vary for each client per situation.

Payment and scheduling is not arranged until after the consultation.

Please review the terms for cancellation & privacy policy. No Refunds. No Exceptions.

This service is also available remotely or by webcam (on request). ✝


Pilikino Ho`opomaika`i

In some cases, a special situation may require direct focus and type of blessing not aforementioned. If any improvising is necessary this would be a session that is custom designed to a client's specific needs. 

Each blessing and pule (prayer) will be crafted and designed based on a combination of details provided by the client, our intuitive assessment & incoming information from the divine.

  1. SCHEDULE: Consultation ~ 10 minutes max.

  2. CONSULTATION: Obtain a primary focus, explain the process, answer brief questions, and schedule.

  3. PAYMENT: The payment may be made via invoice or website. All payments must be received no later than 24 hours prior to the scheduled session time.

  4. COMPLETION: An email, or text, will be sent upon completion. Photos may be available upon request.


Session times vary for each client per situation.

Payment and scheduling is not arranged until after the consultation.

Please review the terms for cancellation & privacy policy. No Refunds. No Exceptions.

This service is also available remotely or by Facetime and Video (on request). ✝


Hui O `Anela

Do you need an idea for a party? Are you having friends over and want to do something different?

For curious individuals, or budding light workers, an Angel Meeting would be a fun, lighthearted experience shared with like-minded peers.

It's time to take the opportunity to spread your angel wings with friends and family who share the same interests on the  metaphysical and spiritual subject. Topics may include angels, ascended masters, energy work, ascension, sensitives a.k.a. empaths, energy clearings, mediumship, modern kahuna or holistic intuitive work, and much, much more.

Great incentives offered to the Host/Hostess

for organizing an Angel Meeting.

✝ ✝  Hui O `Anela does not impose beliefs onto others and requests the same respect from all clients.

Complete Details & Terms 

  ✝ Online hosting via webcam available: maximum limit

Angelic Guided Blessing


Alakaʻina ‘Imi Ola

A life path consultation is a divinely guided process that may examine a client's past, present, future, past lives, parallel dimensions, and astral planes or dream walking.

A session might reveal obstacles which may offer several positive avenues to a client. This will allow the client to explore alternative life path choices, open new doors, renew dreams, and instill the confidence to achieve them.

This is often a prelude to ‘Ho`oponopono’. If a client is open to it, or willing to participate in the guidance of their awaiku, or clearing angels, then a complimentary five minute consultation for ‘Ho`oponopono’ is performed. If other parties are involved in the process of emotional release, or aka clearing, for the client, there will not be a need for their involvement or knowledge, unless the client so chooses.

  1. SCHEDULE: Please text or email to schedule for a call back. Some sessions may be available on the same day, therefore, we encourage contact prior to payment being made. Mahalo.  

  2. PAYMENT: The payment may be made via invoice or website. All payments must be received no later than 24 hours prior to the scheduled session time.


Please review the terms for cancellation & privacy policy. No Refunds. No Exceptions.

This service is also available via phone or webcam (on request). ✝

Ho'oponopono Blessing
Business Blessing
House Blessing
Custom Blessing
Angel Meeting


✝ Optional for most services

For clients who prefer visual communication, our services are available through several applications. Maintaining the comfort and security of one's surroundings is often necessary to properly absorb information from the Divine.

Most services may be performed virtually. All Hui O `Anela services are available virtually, including Ka Malama `Anela's, Angel Intuitive Massage, Reiki service. 


Please contact for scheduling.

ALL sessions are confidential, while most may require signature and review of our Client Consent & Policies : Angel Intuitive Massage, life path consultations, ‘Ho`oponopono’, and other services provided by Hui O `Anela and Ka Malama `Anela

Tele-Video Session Options

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